Thursday, May 12, 2022

Nature, People and Temple Discovery: Code No. 006 May 2022

- 8 Days Overland
- Phnom Penh Capital City-Battambang-Siem Reap (Angkor Wat Temple)
- Tour Code: 8D7N STC Code No. 006 May 2022
2 Days in 
Phnom Penh - 2 Day in Battambang 4 Days in Siem Reap, 

Day 1: Phnom Penh (-/L/D)

After arriving in Phnom Penh, you are welcomed by one of our tour guides who will take you to your hotel. Today, you will meet our local tour guide and driver. You will start to visit with the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and National Museum. Lunch at local restaurant,

In the afternoon, you will visit the Toul Sleng Killing Field Pol Pot Genocide Museum (S-21) and the killing field Cheung EK. Then you will visit Wat Phnomor Phnom Don Penh. Then you will have a city tour and driving along River. You will have a boat trip (private) along the Tonle Mekong river for sunset. 

Dinner is not included


Day 2: Phnom Penh (B/L/D) This morning you will visit Phnom U'dong where the ashes of ancient Khmer kings and Buddha were installed in numerous Stupa. Lunch at local restaurant,



In the afternoon, you will take a boat trip to Koh Dach where the Khmer produce their Hol and  Phamourng using silk (Hol & Pamourng is a traditional Khmer costume used for special ceremonies or weddings). You will have a boat trip (private) along the Tonle Mekong river for the sunset. Dinner at local restaurant 
Day 3: Phnom Penh - Battambang (B/L/D)
-This morning you will drive to Battambang Province,

-In the afternoon, you will take Bamboo train to see the view of rice fields and people activities of countryside. On the way back you will see Battambang Market.

- In the evening you will have time to see circuses performed by parentless children. 

Day 4: Battambang - Siem Reap (B/L/D) 
This morning, you will see a variety of fruit plantations where grapes are planted for producing wine. You will also have a chance to test the grape wine of Cambodia. Many other plantations plant oranges, bananas, dragon fruits, jujube, and other vegetables. You will reach the temple of Banon which was constructed using sandstone and laterite on the mountain during the reign of King Jayavarman VII (1181-1218). After a 15 minute walk down the slope of a mountain you will visit La Ang Preah Teuk, the cave of sacred water. Inside the cave is the chance to see stalactite hanging from the roof of the cave. 

Afternoon, you will visit to Buddhist Pagoda, EK Phnom, the temple which was built in 11th century.
Then you will transfer to Siem Reap. Dinner at local restaurant, Overnight at Siem Reap


Day 5: Siem Reap (B/L/D)

This morning, You will visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphuon, Royal Enclosure, Phimeanakas, and  Elephant Terrace and Leper King Terrace. Lunch at local Restaurant, 

Afternoon, you will visit the magnificent temple of Angkor Wat which is the largest temple in Angkor site, Angkor Wat was built by King Suryavarman II (1113 - 1150) to dedicate to God 'Vishnu'. Dinner at local restaurant 


Day 6: Siem Reap (B/L/D)

Departure to the north of Siem Reap to visit the citadel of woman - Banteay Srei - jewel indisputable of the Khmer art: entirely have been constructed by hard pink sandstone, wonderfully sculpted, perfectly preserved and restored. Then you will drive to Kbal Spean, to visit thousand Linga River and waterfall. Lunch at local restaurant. In the afternoon, on the way back going on to Ta Prohm. Dinner at local restaurant 

Day 7: Siem Reap (B/L/D)This morning, you will drive to the north-east of Siem Reap (130KM) to visit the group of Koh Ker temples. Lunch box from Siem Reap. Lunch at local restaurant,

On the way back you will visit Beng Mealea Temple which is built in the 12th century. It is the one was invaded by jungle. Dinner at local restaurant.



Day 8: Siem Reap (B/L/-)

This morning, you will start with a visit to Preah Khan temple, which was known as an old temporary city of king Jayavarman VII (1181-1218). You will continue to Neak Pean Temple, which was one of the 102 ancient hospitals of King Jayavarman VII who built this hospital temple for taking care people’s health. Mebon and Pre Rup temple will be visited later on. These two temples were built by the same king ‘Rajendra Varman II (944-967) to dedicate his ancestors. 
Lunch at local restaurant,
This afternoon,
you will be out for a visit by boat, you will discover the great lake "Tonle Sap" real Interior Ocean where there are a lot of fish which exported by the multiple villages of fishermen who you have got the occasion to approach. 
You will visit the Artisant D’Angkor where you will the perfect artist school in Cambodia before transfer to Siem Reap International Airport for your International flight.

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